
Quarterly EFC Focus Group: Vision Boards and Gratitude

September 20, 2024

This quarter’s Extended Foster Care (EFC) Focus Group was nothing short of inspiring. Our young adults came together to create vision boards— an opportunity to dream, reflect, and map out their futures. Vision boards are more than just a fun project; they’re a powerful way for our young adults to see their goals in front of them and feel motivated to take the steps needed to make those dreams a reality. The energy in the room was contagious as they carefully selected images, words, and phrases that spoke to their hopes for the future.

We couldn’t have done this without the generosity of our community. Thank you to everyone who donated magazines and supplies for this project— your contributions made a real difference! Our young adults loved every moment of it, and it was beautiful to see their creativity and excitement shine through.

A very special thank you goes out to Spinato’s Pizzeria for sponsoring our event with their warm, inviting venue and the most delicious pizza. We are beyond grateful for their support and for making this day so memorable. Their kindness allowed our young adults to feel seen and cared for in ways that go far beyond pizza and a space— it’s about the love and generosity that surrounds them.

Through our Extended Foster Care program, which we’ve launched in partnership with the Arizona Department of Child Safety, we walk alongside young adults transitioning out of foster care, from ages 17 ½ to 21. Our dedicated success coaches provide guidance, support, and love as they pursue higher education, employment, and the next steps in their journey toward independence. At Ohana, we believe every young adult deserves the chance to dream big and be equipped with the tools they need to make those dreams a reality.

This event was a beautiful reminder of why we do what we do— because we know these incredible young adults have the potential to change the world, and we’re honored to be a part of their journey. Thank you to everyone who made this event such a success. We are blessed and humbled by the outpouring of support!